Click on a topic below to read more about the classes available...
Please contact us if you are interested in a class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Divorce and blended families
Yes, I Can Accept My Parents’ Divorce
Divorce poses special challenges for children. In the midst of it all, they need to understand that divorce is not their fault, that they are still loved, and that they can adjust to and be happy in their new life.
In this class, children will realize that they are not alone in their feelings and experiences. Through a variety of activities, children will discover that it is normal to experience many different feelings about divorce. They will learn new perspectives and strategies for handling their feelings and for coping with the challenges of living in two homes. This class will benefit any child who has experienced divorce at any time. Helping your child with it today will hopefully provide a smoother road in the future. Grades 1-4. $120 To register for our classes or for more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Friendship and social skills
For Girls
Confident Girls: A Workshop for Girls & Parents (Grades 3-6)
Our most popular class, this will be offered again soon!
Empower your daughter to. . .
Empower your daughter to. . .
* handle relational aggression & bullying!
* be assertive!
* be a great friend and develop healthy friendships!
* recognize unhealthy relationships!
Join Carlabeth for an awesome evening of interactive fun, learning, and support! Girls and their accompanying parent will discover and practice specific skills and tools to develop positive relationships and to address bullying and “mean girl” tactics assertively and appropriately!
Cost: $20 (daughter/parent) • $30 (1 daughter/ 2 parents)
$30 (2 daughters/1 parent)• $35 (2 daughters/2 parents)
TO REGISTER, click here for the registration form. Read carefully for deadline. Complete the form and send it and a check for the appropriate amount to Mathias Counseling at the address on the form by the deadline stated. You will receive an email confirmation with details a few days prior to the event.
Bring "Confident Girls" to your church youth group or Girl Scout group! Contact us for details --- please email us or call 317.586.2141.
Cost: $20 (daughter/parent) • $30 (1 daughter/ 2 parents)
$30 (2 daughters/1 parent)• $35 (2 daughters/2 parents)
TO REGISTER, click here for the registration form. Read carefully for deadline. Complete the form and send it and a check for the appropriate amount to Mathias Counseling at the address on the form by the deadline stated. You will receive an email confirmation with details a few days prior to the event.
Bring "Confident Girls" to your church youth group or Girl Scout group! Contact us for details --- please email us or call 317.586.2141.
Chick Chat: The Power of Friendship (Grades 7–9)
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Engaging activities will help girls consider what to look for in a friend, how to be the kind of friend others will seek, and what makes a healthy friendship vs. an unhealthy one. How to develop assertiveness and social confidence, as well as strategies for handling conflict and coping with relational aggression, will be shared. A handout of the ideas presented will be given. Grades 7-9. 2-hour session. $65. Number of participants is limited. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Girls Rule! Being a Good Friend to Yourself & Others (Grades 4–6)
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Betwixt and between — pre-teen girls are faced with unique experiences. No longer a “little girl” but not quite a teenager, girls at this age often encounter a wide variety of challenges, especially with friendships. This class helps empower girls, teaching them how to develop positive relationships with other girls and recognize and assertively solve problems with friends. Grades 4-6. $195 For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Fabulous Friends (Grades 1–3)
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Making and keeping friends can be challenging for some children. This camp helps girls learn to initiate friendships and practice skills, such as compromise, problem-solving, and empathy, that will develop and nurture those friendships. Interactive fun, games, crafts and more! Girls. Grades 1-3. $195
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Making and keeping friends can be challenging for some children. This camp helps girls learn to initiate friendships and practice skills, such as compromise, problem-solving, and empathy, that will develop and nurture those friendships. Interactive fun, games, crafts and more! Girls. Grades 1-3. $195
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Girls Rock!
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
This class helps pre-teen girls identify and examine difficult relationships with other girls and learn strategies for dealing appropriately with bullying and “relational aggression,” whether in person or in cyberspace, as well as how to develop positive approaches to friendship. Though Girls Rule! is not a prerequisite, this is a great follow-up if your daughter has taken that class. Grades 4-6. $195
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
This class helps pre-teen girls identify and examine difficult relationships with other girls and learn strategies for dealing appropriately with bullying and “relational aggression,” whether in person or in cyberspace, as well as how to develop positive approaches to friendship. Though Girls Rule! is not a prerequisite, this is a great follow-up if your daughter has taken that class. Grades 4-6. $195
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
FOr Guys
Fantastic Freshmen Guys (Incoming 9th Graders)
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Beginning high school can prove to be a daunting task for many teens, especially guys who have difficulty interacting in social situations. This one-time evening session will help incoming 9th grade boys discuss and meet those challenges. Group interaction, everyday problems, reading social cues, and discussing dilemmas and how to solve them will be some of the topics addressed, 2 hour session, $65. Number of participants is limited.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Beginning high school can prove to be a daunting task for many teens, especially guys who have difficulty interacting in social situations. This one-time evening session will help incoming 9th grade boys discuss and meet those challenges. Group interaction, everyday problems, reading social cues, and discussing dilemmas and how to solve them will be some of the topics addressed, 2 hour session, $65. Number of participants is limited.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Confident Guys will return! Stay tuned!
Help your son learn to. . .
Help your son learn to. . .
* be a good friend
* recognize healthy and unhealthy friendships
* handle bullying and conflict appropriately
* use assertiveness
* be a powerful bystander
Join Carlabeth Mathias, Mathias Counseling & Consulting, for an awesome evening of interactive fun, learning, and support! Discover and practice specific skills and tools to develop good friendships and to address bullying and conflict in appropriate and assertive ways!
To register, click here. Limited to first 30 participants! So register early!
Bring Confident Guys to your church youth group or Boy Scout group! Contact us for details --- please email us or call 317.586.2141.
- $20 for one boy/one parent
- $25 for two boys/ one parent
- $25 for one boy/two parents
- $30 for two boys/two parents
To register, click here. Limited to first 30 participants! So register early!
Bring Confident Guys to your church youth group or Boy Scout group! Contact us for details --- please email us or call 317.586.2141.
Incredible Guys!
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Upper elementary and intermediate grades can be a tough age for guys developing friendships, especially if they have interests other than sports. Activity-oriented, this class helps boys utilize their strengths and interests to find their niche with friends and gain self-confidence as they head into adolescence. Grades 4-6.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Upper elementary and intermediate grades can be a tough age for guys developing friendships, especially if they have interests other than sports. Activity-oriented, this class helps boys utilize their strengths and interests to find their niche with friends and gain self-confidence as they head into adolescence. Grades 4-6.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Mission: Fun With Friends
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Boys sometimes have challenges with attention, focus and impulsivity, which can cause friendship difficulties. This program is full of fun activities based on a mission and mystery theme. Participants will learn to become "agents" with skills to search for clues in others’ behaviors and to problem-solve to help unravel the mysteries of initiating and maintaining positive peer interactions. Grades 1-4. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Success! Not Stress: Social Skills for Middle School Guys
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Middle school guys gain confidence, discover more about social cues, and learn to use a practical roadmap that will lead them on a path to social success, rather than social stress! Interactive and fun! Grades 6-8.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Middle school guys gain confidence, discover more about social cues, and learn to use a practical roadmap that will lead them on a path to social success, rather than social stress! Interactive and fun! Grades 6-8.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
For Everyone
Yes, I Can Be a Friend (Boys & Girls, Grades 1-3)
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
Making and keeping friends can be challenging for some children. In this group, fun activities, games and role-playing help children learn to initiate friendships and practice skills that will develop and nurture those friendships, such as compromise, problem-solving, and empathy. Boys and Girls, Grades 1-3. Number of participants is limited. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Yes, I Can Stand Up For Myself (Grades 3-5)
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
This class helps children develop assertiveness skills in a safe and nurturing atmosphere. Specific techniques empower the participants to gain skill and confidence in facing challenging situations, such as conflict and bullying. Grades 3-5. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Acting Like a Winner: Using Drama to Teach Life Skills
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this class, please contact us.
The magic of drama can help build social skills and increase self-confidence! Participating in plays, skits and games, girls and boys will learn about facial expression and body language, identifying and handling feelings, using assertiveness and other communication skills, as well as problem-solving. No acting experience needed! Girls and boys, grades 2-5. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Social Skills Groups
About Our Ongoing Social Skills Groups
These groups offer fun, age-appropriate experiences and activities that foster positive peer interaction, build self-confidence, and provide support and skill development. Please see the descriptions below for other groups that may be offered in the future or email us with your special request or interest.
Girls & Boys (Grades 1–3)
This will be offered again in the future. If you are interested in this group, please contact us.
Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
Making and keeping friends can be challenging for some children. In these sessions, children will be involved in engaging games and activities that help boys and girls learn and practice strategies to initiate friendships and develop skills that nurture those friendships. Skills will include conversation, reading social cues, identification of feelings, empathy, compromise, consequences of actions, handling conflict, and problem-solving. Parent handouts are included so that parents can review and reinforce the skills. This social skills group is best suited for children who have difficulty with social interaction due to anxiety, shyness, ADHD, and Asperger’s It is not the right situation for those who have been diagnosed with autism. Girls and boys. Grades 1-3. Cost for all 6 sessions - $225.
If you have any questions, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
Making and keeping friends can be challenging for some children. In these sessions, children will be involved in engaging games and activities that help boys and girls learn and practice strategies to initiate friendships and develop skills that nurture those friendships. Skills will include conversation, reading social cues, identification of feelings, empathy, compromise, consequences of actions, handling conflict, and problem-solving. Parent handouts are included so that parents can review and reinforce the skills. This social skills group is best suited for children who have difficulty with social interaction due to anxiety, shyness, ADHD, and Asperger’s It is not the right situation for those who have been diagnosed with autism. Girls and boys. Grades 1-3. Cost for all 6 sessions - $225.
If you have any questions, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
focus and attention challenges
Yes, I Can Pay Attention! (Boys and Girls, Grades 1-3)
Please contact us if you are interested in this class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
Children will learn specific strategies to help them manage and control attention and focus challenges. Each session uses a chapter from a children’s book, engaging group activities, and materials to use at home to teach skills such as learning to stop and think, identifying feelings, evaluating consequences of actions, problem-solving and using positive self-talk. Boys and Girls. Grades 1-3. $125 For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Back to School: Back to Basics
Please contact us if you are interested in this class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
Building Success Skills! Juggling the increasing demands of schoolwork and activities can be frustrating and challenging for kids. Equipping them with simple strategies for organizing work, studying, and time management can make a big difference in performance, responsibility, self-confidence, and everyone's stress levels! Students will leave with tips and handouts designed to foster school success! $50
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Building Success Skills! Juggling the increasing demands of schoolwork and activities can be frustrating and challenging for kids. Equipping them with simple strategies for organizing work, studying, and time management can make a big difference in performance, responsibility, self-confidence, and everyone's stress levels! Students will leave with tips and handouts designed to foster school success! $50
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Yes, I Can Succeed in School! (Grades 4–6)
Please contact us if you are interested in this class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
As children progress to the upper elementary and intermediate grades, they are expected to handle more difficult material and perform more independently. This group will help your child learn strategies for organization, memorization, studying, test-taking, and time management. Students will also identify their own learning style and learn which techniques best suit that style. Make a big difference in performance, responsibility, self-confidence, and everyone's stress levels with these six sessions designed to foster school success! $270 for all six sessions. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Click It…And Pay Attention Better (Grades 2-4)
Please contact us if you are interested in this class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
In this small group, children will learn specific strategies to help them manage and control attention and focus challenges. Engaging group activities help children develop skills for focusing, learning to stop and think, planning ahead, evaluating consequences, problem-solving and using positive self-talk. Materials are sent home for reinforcement. Grades 2-4.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
In this small group, children will learn specific strategies to help them manage and control attention and focus challenges. Engaging group activities help children develop skills for focusing, learning to stop and think, planning ahead, evaluating consequences, problem-solving and using positive self-talk. Materials are sent home for reinforcement. Grades 2-4.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
Yes, I Can Be Organized! (Grades 5-7)
Please contact us if you are interested in this class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
Juggling the increasing demands of schoolwork and extracurricular activities can be frustrating and challenging to children and their parents alike. Children will learn organizational strategies to help with this transition in responsibility and build their self-confidence as well. Grades 5-7. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
Yes, I Can Control My Anger
Please contact us if you are interested in this class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
Maintaining control and handling anger in appropriate ways can be difficult for some children. This class helps boys and girls identify the triggers for their anger, recognize their own signs of anger, and replace old behaviors with appropriate new ones. Elementary-aged girls and boys. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |
siblings/special needs
Sibs Are Special Too!
If you are interested in this class, please contact us. We will work with interested families to establish a day and time that works for all concerned.
Living with children who have special needs can be challenging and stressful for the siblings involved, despite valiant attempts by parents to try to keep life “normal” and “fair.” This class is designed to help siblings of special needs children understand their feelings, learn coping skills, and receive support and encouragement for their unique situation. Grades 1-4.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
NOTE: If you have a child on the Autism Spectrum, check out the support group for siblings offered monthly through the Hamilton County Autism Support Group at their website,
Living with children who have special needs can be challenging and stressful for the siblings involved, despite valiant attempts by parents to try to keep life “normal” and “fair.” This class is designed to help siblings of special needs children understand their feelings, learn coping skills, and receive support and encouragement for their unique situation. Grades 1-4.
For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us.
NOTE: If you have a child on the Autism Spectrum, check out the support group for siblings offered monthly through the Hamilton County Autism Support Group at their website,
anxiety and worry
Yes, I Can Handle My Worries
Please contact us if you are interested in a class. Sign up to be included on our email list by emailing: [email protected]
Children today have become more anxious and worried than in the past. This class helps anxious children identify their concerns and learn practical strategies to use at home and school to help them better cope with worries and anxiety. Boys and Girls. Grades 2-5. $145. For more information, please call 317.586.2141 or email us. |